ALICE – Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. This describes the thousands of Jackson County residents who fill jobs we count on every day, yet they struggle financially. One huge expense many of them face is child care. United Way is proud to collaborate with Child Care Network to provide scholarships that are making a huge difference for local families:
“Joe and Mary Smith” are ALICE: hard-working parents, both employed to make ends meet. They applied for a child care scholarship for their youngest daughter while facing a series of challenges. Joe’s employer cut his hours, and Mary took a new job to keep up—but with a longer commute, just as gas prices began to rise. They were in a pinch, with a lack of options for quality and affordable child care, and facing growing expenses. Fortunately, the Smiths received the scholarship through Child Care Network’s Family Support Program. It allowed them to return to full-time work while their daughter reaped the benefits of a quality child care. Then Joe was injured at work and placed on disability. Being able to keep their daughter in child care makes it possible for Joe to stay engaged in medical care and physical therapy, and for Mary to keep working. The family is eternally grateful and appreciative for this assistance.
Not only is this partnership keeping a family financially stable, it’s helping a young child get the best possible start in life. We invite you to make a financial gift to United Way so together we can keep impacting lives right here in Jackson County.