After an offender has paid their debt to society, it’s important to help that person re-engage with life. That includes helping them embrace their role as a citizen of the community. The Jackson Chapter of Nation Outside helps re-entering citizens make that connection, from navigating the job search to discovering the power of voting:
Nation Outside took part in a voting rights project last year. During that effort, Nation Outside connected with an African American man in his late 40s, “Robert.” He has a history of incarceration, but he had been back in the community for more than a decade. However, throughout those years, he didn’t exercise his right to vote. Nation Outside’s social media campaign resonated with Robert. Not only did he vote in the last election, but it was his first time exercising this basic American right.
Nation Outside is a partner we’re so proud to work alongside. It’s crucial to connect re-entering citizens with the supports they need to rebuild their lives. Your support makes it possible.