Your local United Way spearheads a powerful tool that helps employers and employees alike succeed. JobSTAR (Support Talent and Retention) brings Success Coaches into participating workplaces to help employees connect to services and support programs to overcome challenges affecting job attendance and performance. Sponsoring partners and participating businesses fund the Success Coaches.
The results include a stronger workforce, financially stable families, higher productivity and a more vibrant economy. Check out these examples of how JobSTAR makes a difference:
A worker met with her Success Coach for help with her vehicle registration renewal and insurance. This worker’s partner lost their employment, causing a financial strain on the household. The worker’s insurance lapsed due to non-payment. She found herself in the position of having to choose between driving her vehicle to work illegally or losing her job. With the support of Michigan Works Southeast and the Barrier Removal Employment Success (BRES) program, she received three months of insurance cost covered, along with registration renewal. She then worked with her Success Coach to create a monthly budget to ensure her ongoing needs are met.
An employee at a JobSTAR participating business had trouble with her water heater. It needed to be replaced, but she did not have the money to pay for it. She worked with her Success Coach and soon connected with Consumers Energy’s Helping Neighbors Program. The employee applied for assistance and was approved to have a new water heater installed for free. She was so delighted that sent the following email to her Success Coach: “I am so thrilled with how everything turned out. The (installers) that are here now told me I should recommend this program to everyone because they have helped so many people who could have died from carbon monoxide due to cracks in old units. I really appreciate your help SO MUCH!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
A JobSTAR employee met with his Success Coach for help with transportation issues. He explained that his wife had a vehicle and transported him to and from work as much as possible, but due to their daughter’s disability and health issues, she needed the vehicle herself for frequent medical appointments. This caused him to accumulate disciplinary points from his employer. Using Michigan Works Southeast’s Barrier Removal Employment Success (BRES) program, we were able to assist the worker with $5,000 towards the cost of a reliable used vehicle. On top of that, BRES also assisted with the cost of plates, registration, title fees and three months of insurance. The worker now has reliable transportation to get himself to and from work daily.
Want another great example of JobSTAR’s impact? Check out this one on video, too!
JobSTAR is one of the most effective ways of helping working families, particularly ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed), build financial stability. We’re grateful for the partners and participating businesses who make JobSTAR successful. If you’re a Jackson County company interested in joining JobSTAR, contact Ebone’ Young at e.young@uwscmi.org.
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