You know the old saying: “It takes a village.” That’s especially true for young people dealing with Autism Spectrum Disorder. They benefit best when surrounded by caring champions. Fortunately, our partner Student Advocacy Center brings the right people together to help those students succeed:
“Kayla,” a first grader with Autism Spectrum Disorder, was removed from a Jackson Area Public Charter School and transferred to a self-contained ASD program against the parents’ wishes. She faced a difficult transition, but with advocate support and strongly supportive parents, the student is thriving. Kayla has shown gains in both reading and social skills since the transition to the Jackson Intermediate School District program. The parents are very happy with the support from SAC and school staff. The student has a group of “peer buddies” that work with her throughout the day in the classroom, general education classes, cafeteria and on the playground. The family is grateful for the support for all involved.
We’re thrilled for Kayla and other kids who are learning and thriving thanks to your financial support. Every dollar given locally goes to support our work in Jackson County.