The Domestic Violence Shelter Program at Aware provides refuge for women and their children who are fleeing a domestic violence situation or are victims of sexual assault. Aware has sleeping quarters, kitchen and dining facilities, children’s play area, and a women’s lounge along with security from their abusers behind locked doors and access to counseling. Aware’s Emergency Shelter for domestic violence and sexual assault victims is the only program in Jackson County that provides free shelter, basic needs and counseling services to specifically address the needs of survivors and their children.
Within the first half of 2014 Aware provided Domestic Violence Shelter to 200 individuals, 68 of them were under the age of 18 and most of those seeking shelter were living under the poverty level. Your donations are making a difference and changing lives. Here is just one of the many success stories from Aware.
A client came to the shelter with a black eye and bruises all over her body. She had been in a long term domestic violence relationship with her boyfriend. She suffered physical, mental, and emotional abuse due to being in the relationship. She had put off a medical procedure that she needed in fear that she would run into her abuser. After coming to Aware, she realized she was in a safe environment and she scheduled the procedure. With the help from Aware’s staff she was able to get to the appointment and back to the shelter safely after the procedure was completed. The abusive relationship caused post-traumatic stress disorder for her. Aware’s staff helped her set up and receive services from other community agencies so she could get the counseling she needed and begin the healing process. When she left Aware she went to stay with family until she was able to get all the way back on her feet. AWARE staff helped to set up services for her with other community service organizations. Aware staff supplied her with transportation and baby clothing as she came to Aware with very few possessions. Staff also assisted her in securing Aware counseling services.