Behind The Scenes: Why I Work for United Way – Shreya Naseri

Editor’s note: We asked our United Way BCKR team to share why they’re excited to work for United Way. Here are some thoughts from Shreya Naseri, Customer Relationship Management Administrator.

As Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Administrator, my role is to ensure efficient fundraising through our online portal. I handle multiple campaigns including individual giving.

Every time a person makes a pledge, even if it’s a small donation, I realize that people out there want to make a difference to the world. It’s never about the amount one gives, but the thought behind it. These people are taking a step towards bringing change. And because I get to make sure this step of theirs goes smoothly, it makes me work hard for them every day.

My personal values and beliefs resonate so much with United Way’s mission and daily work that there’s not a single day that I don’t feel blessed doing this. I might be one of the few who actually looks forwards for Mondays!

My Background & Inspiration

I am from India. Since childhood, I’ve seen poverty, unemployment, lack of medical aid and hunger around me. This affected me so deeply that I decided long back to contribute the best way possible.

I always believed we should be kind enough to try and mitigate these issues. Working as CRM Administrator is my first big step towards bringing these changes, no matter which country it is.

Moreover, I got this job amidst the pandemic, at a time when people are losing jobs, struggling to feed their families and facing all kinds of obstacles, even the loss of dear ones. That has affected me emotionally.

Impact Through United Way

When I came to know United Way about six months ago, I learned how it’s making a difference with the Disaster Relief Fund and small business programs. That just made me so happy. I’m able to live out my passion for changing people’s lives because of my work with United Way.

I work with the most amazing bunch of people who collectively work hard to bring change and help solve issues. Not only do we work for our own departments, but parts of our jobs are cross-functional, so we learn how to support other departments, too. This hustling and learning out of your comfort zone makes it powerful for me.

When I started, it was a little intimidating and fast-paced. But now I’m handling responsibilities of other departments, too. It has pushed me to work beyond my capabilities, and that’s how I acquired new skillsets. It couldn’t get more powerful than this!

What I Want You To Know

I want people to know that there is a helpline, 2-1-1. If you have any issues, whether it’s mental, monetary, anything at all, you can always call that number and get the help you need. It costs nothing to ask for help.

What’s more, I want people to know United Way is spread all across the world. Your local United Way will have ways of giving. Every act of kindness matters. We are all together right now, trying to fight this pandemic. Likewise, we have to fight other issues like poverty, violence, hunger, lack of education, just to name a few.

It all starts from that one step you take towards bringing change.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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