Board Spotlight: United Way a Constant for Cecily Cagle
Cecily Cagle is no stranger to community involvement.
More than 30 years ago, her role as a mother to a child with severe impairments led her to become connected with the disability community. Her 25-year career as a police officer who specialized in domestic violence and sexual assault investigations sparked her work with YWCA.
She has served on many other boards and committees over the years, but the one constant in her volunteer work, she said, has been United Way.
“I continue to re-up whenever I’m asked,” she said.
Cecily is currently a member of the board of directors’ executive committee. She also served recently as co-chair of United Way BCKR’s CEO search committee and is working with staff and other volunteers to develop a public policy agenda.
Her unwavering support for the organization took root in 1982, when she presented on behalf of the YWCA to a United Way allocations committee. Curious about the process, she asked how she could join.
“That was kind of the beginning,” she said. “I’ve been involved in one capacity or another ever since.”
Why United Way?
“Part of my passion for United Way is that I feel like it’s always changing and evolving. It’s always getting better. Some of the most important progressive, innovative and forward-thinking people in the community at one time or another sat on the board. There’s some pride for me in United Way.
“I appreciate the passion of the folks who are employed here, I appreciate the volunteers that give of their time and their talents, and I think that it’s an important service to the community. It’s not just a pass-through for money, it’s about oh-so-much more than that.”
United Way continues to change and grow as an organization, and as a long-time board member, Cecily has played an integral role in that evolution.
“We’re always looking for opportunities to leverage resources, whether it’s money or talent or partnerships. We continue to strive to be an information provider and hub for partnerships and community. And it’s been critical to the community and to this region and continues to be, and I think we keep looking for better ways and more timely ways to do community impact. I’m proud of the direction that we’ve taken.”
Now retired from law enforcement, Cecily works as a driver for Bureau of Services for Blind Persons, providing transportation for staff members who are visually impaired. She also serves on the board for the Pine Lake Fund, which promotes the training and placement of people with disabilities attending the Michigan Career and Technical Institute.
United Way could not drive the impact that it does in our region without the commitment and dedication of community volunteers like Cecily. There are many ways to get involved. Find out how you, too, can help #changethestory.
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Cecily Cagle, shown reading with her friend’s grandson, has helped shape United Way’s strategies in education, health, basic needs and financial stability.