Building through Reading: Kalamazoo Literacy Council

united way of south central michigan logo, connection corner followed by kalamazoo with picture of 4 individuals.

At its core, Kalamazoo Literacy Council works to enhance the lives of adults by improving their reading, writing, spelling, and comprehension skills. 

The organization achieves this in a number of ways, one of which is their adult learning plan, which helps students set goals and overcome educational barriers. The impact carries far beyond each individual student. 

Using a two-generation model of literacy learning, the 40-year-old organization is able to help parents enhance their literacy skills and carry those skills to their children as well. There is also early childhood care for parents. 

“These United Way grants will help continue to grow our 2-generation model and continue our advocacy for childcare,” said Executive Director, Michael D. Evans. He also mentioned how the grant, awarded as part of UWSCMI’s new multi-year funding process, has opened the door to see what other grants KLC might be eligible for. 

For more information on Kalamazoo Literacy Council, please visit their website at or visit their Facebook.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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