Day 10: Healthcare

Graphic depicts four heart-shaped figures with hands meeting in the middle, bold text block says Day 10

Day 10: Healthcare Identity strongly impacts living conditions, access to quality health care, and chronic stress in the body. As a result, many people with marginalized and oppressed identities live shorter life spans and have a higher likelihood of adverse health outcomes.  Consider these findings:  Disparities in health outcomes are rooted in discrimination across systems…

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Day 9: Ableism

Graphic depicts four heart-shaped figures with hands meeting in the middle, bold text block says Day 9

Day 9: Ableism In its simplest form, ableism is the belief system that tells us it is better to be non-disabled than it is to be disabled. It’s the cultural message that many of us were taught when we were children. This belief is evident in our society’s lack of access and inclusion to the…

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Day 6: What is Power, Privilege and Oppression?

Graphic depicts four heart-shaped figures with hands meeting in the middle, bold text block says Day 6.

Day 6: What is Power, Privilege and Oppression? Our goal is to create more equitable and just communities. To do this, we need to have some shared language to understand what barriers and opportunities exist. You may have heard conversations using the terms power, privilege, and oppression. Let’s explore a few definitions to get us…

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Day 21: Resources

Thank you for participating in the 21-Day Disability Equity Challenge. We hope that the information presented over the past month has helped you to see disability through a lens of equity and pride.  We know that this has been a lot of information, and perhaps much of it has introduced a new way of thinking…

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