President & CEO Chris Sargent reflects on our progress as we note the one-year anniversary of the merger that created United Way of South Central Michigan.
“The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.”
Mark Twain said that to poke fun at April Fools’ Day. But I think there’s a nugget of wisdom in his words that goes beyond a day of pranks. It’s an insight that’s especially true as we celebrate the one-year anniversary of United Way of South Central Michigan. For me, the first of April now serves as a reminder of the life-changing work we do all year round, and a challenge to do even more in the years to come.
By bringing together Capital Area United Way, United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region, and United Way of Jackson County, UWSCMI is a more efficient, more focused organization that can drive meaningful impact. That impact is happening in our local communities, just as it always has, while opening the door to more partnerships and resources that will allow us to do more than ever.

In just one year, we’ve fully integrated our three legacy United Ways.
In just one year, we’ve affirmed our local partnerships and begun building new ones to benefit our local and regional communities.
In just one year, we’ve invested more than $22 million in our region to address the needs of ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) and inequities faced by historically underrepresented people. That investment comes from local support—individual donors, corporate partners and grantmakers, all tackling local needs—and state and federal resources.
In just one year, we’ve managed $950,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds to help our local communities (an effort that earned us a visit to Washington D.C. to brief the Biden administration); guided more than $4 million in state and corporate dollars for direct assistance to families struggling with past-due energy bills; generated over $3.6 million in dollars returned to Capital Area families through our Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program; and strengthened local businesses through our Kalamazoo Micro-Enterprise Grants and our JobSTAR resource network in Jackson County.
I could go on about our 21-Day Challenges focusing on racial equity and disability justice … and our continued work with 2-1-1 to connect people in need regionwide with partners that can help … and our oversight of more than $2.1 million in federal relief funds addressing hunger and homelessness … and our crucial role in increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit for struggling Michigan families … and earning MiBiz Magazine’s Deal of the Year for our merger’s success … a whole lot more.
That, as Twain said, is the previous 364 days—days of life-changing impact made possible by our amazing UWSCMI staff, our board and local leaders, our community partners, and each of you.
Now it’s time to look to the year ahead—and beyond.
Your partnership and support made this first year possible. To build on that foundation—to truly create strong, caring communities where every person is valued, thriving and connected for the common good—we need you more than ever. So let’s celebrate a solid year of greater impact together, and remember that now’s the time to begin shaping the successes of tomorrow.
Visit our YouTube channel for a short video from Chris in honor of UWSCMI’s first year.