JACKSON – One of the biggest expenses for families, regardless of income level, is child care. When finances are tight, that expense becomes much harder to bear. So imagine how tough that is when a series of unexpected events pushes your family over a financial cliff.
That’s the challenge faced by “Sally” and “Robert.” Both worked full-time jobs to make ends meet for themselves and their two kids. The youngest needed child care several days a week so Sally and Robert could keep working. That meant tapping their savings to cover the cost.
Then a family crisis brought four more children into their home. Suddenly Sally and Robert faced child care costs for five children, plus added expenses for food and shelter, all while trying to help their extended family in need. When they applied for aid through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, they were denied—because they made $15 per year over the maximum. Just $15 kept them from getting any state aid at all.
Child Care Network was able to step in. Through United Way’s funding for their Family Support Program, CCN offered child care scholarships to keep the kids in care. What’s more, CCN connected the family to a local toy drive so they could get gifts for the kids for Christmas.
Today, Sally and Robert are still employed, their extended family has found employment and has worked through the crisis, and their youngest child is preparing for kindergarten.
These are the stories that excite us: a family surrounded by a strong, caring community. Your support for United Way of South Central Michigan makes those outcomes happen.
Learn more about Child Care Network at childcarenetwork.org. You can support this and other programs by supporting United Way here.