Connection Corner: Partial to Girls

Connection Corner (11)

JACKSON – Over a third of households countywide are single-parent households, nearly all of them female-led and many struggling financially. Those realities motivate Partial To Girls – Women Taking Action (PTG) to support underserved women and children in the Jackson area. United Way is a proud partner.

Here’s an example of this partnership making a difference: A mom reached out to PTG while she was in the hospital, having given birth and looking ahead to returning home within two days. She had no money and no family support, and she was afraid of what the future would bring. PTG provides a clothing pantry in partnership with a nurse at the hospital. The nurse connected the new mom with another nurse, helping the mom receive a car seat and other baby supplies. The new mom went home relieved and supported—a powerful outcome of PTG’s push to network and advocate for clients.

Learn more about Partial to Girls on their Facebook page . You can help make a difference with your gift today through our donation page online.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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