Cracking the Book on Leadership

United Way board members are inspiring kids to read — and gaining new insights in the process.

During March and April, Interim CEO Chris Sargent offered children’s books to UWBCKR’s Board of Directors and encouraged them to read one with a child.


Board member Cecily Cagle reads to the grandson of a friend.

“Our Board expressed eagerness to dive deep into the work of United Way in a personal way,” Sargent explained. “Early grade reading proficiency is key to our Education impact strategy, so volunteering to read with a child is a great on-ramp for getting involved.”

Board Chair Erick Stewart, President of Stewart Industries, was one of the first to take up the challenge.

“Our family is blessed with generations of people who are educators. They all share a common commitment to early childhood reading,” said Stewart. “Hence, at almost every family event, there is time for some sort of reading. It’s such a special time watching kids progress in reading as the world opens up through learning and imagination.

“I am a firm believer that the best way to expand a kid’s horizons and foster a positive future is through the gift of literacy,” he added.

Tim Kool

Tim Kool, owner of Heritage Chevrolet, volunteers as a reading mentor.

Also taking part in the effort was Tim Kool, owner of Heritage Chevrolet, a UWBCKR board member and a reading mentor through the United Way funded Early Grade Reading Achievement Project in Battle Creek Public Schools. He said the experience strengthened his commitment to inspiring young readers.

“My reading buddies were absolutely thrilled with the new books,” Kool said. “Seeing the enthusiasm for reading and the increase in the kids’ reading level during this past year has been extremely rewarding for me and the other Heritage employees who join me in reading to students every week.”

Stewart said the effort underscored the need for all people to get engaged in the community, especially in preparing young people for the future.

“Our kids’ future depends on this cultural shift for our systems of education to thrive,” he said. “That depends on us, the influencers.”

Interested in being a reading mentor or volunteering some other capacity? United Way makes it easy! Check out our Volunteer page or drop us a note at


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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