Today’s opportunity is to take time to reflect on your experience with this challenge. Research shows that a critical component to learning is taking time to reflect on the presented content or being intentional about processing what you’ve learned.
- What are my identities related to sex assignment, gender identity, and sexual orientation? In what ways have my identities impacted my life? Which of these identities have provided me unearned advantage or disadvantage? How does this show up in my day-to-day life?
- What were some of my assumptions about sex assignment, gender identity, and sexual orientation before I started this 21-day challenge? In what ways have these assumptions been challenged?
- In what ways am I still experiencing resistance or discomfort related to LGBTQIA+ equity? Why might this be showing up?
- Where have I witnessed evidence of LGBTQIA+ oppression?
- What actions can I take at the personal, interpersonal, institutional, and structural levels to support LGBTQIA+ people?
Group Discussion:
- In what ways do you share similarities to LGBTQIA+ people?
- Share an “aha” moment and why this stuck with you.
- What kind of accountability or support can we provide each other to continue our learning journey?