Dealing With Trauma Leads To Stability

For individuals who feel as if their life if spiraling out of control, we offer help and an opportunity to regain their stability.

Through your support, United Way of Jackson County provides funds for the Outpatient Counseling Program at Catholic Charities which provides services for low-income, uninsured or under-insured families and individuals. This program specializes in treating victims of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect. Clients empower themselves through the sessions. By learning coping mechanisms and other skills, they are able to deal with the trauma of their past so they can lead a healthy and productive life in our community. Jane’s story one example of IMPACT this United Way of Jackson County supported program is making.

Jane who was referred to counseling by a friend. She had no hope and not a day went by when she did not cry over the trauma and loss in her life. Jane felt like her life and relationships would never get better. She kept apologizing for her crying during her initial sessions, as she shared the trauma in her life. Beneath the surface was a woman who had so much strength but lacked the hope she needed to get through her struggle.

Jane’s parents made her life confusing. She was from a large family with no support. She felt like a black sheep, always the one with a problem. Her employment was not what she wanted. She tries to have a good relationship with her daughter and tries to keep her daughter protected from her issues. Jane has not been able to “fix” what she felt was “broken inside” and realized she needed help. She came to the sessions apprehensively.

Jane improved as her treatment progressed. She learned strategies to help her deal with the trauma of her past. She learned how to move beyond the trauma. She began to implement the strategies she was learning through trauma focused-cognitive behavior therapy. She started to reframe the negativity she had been stuck in and became more positive. Jane changed her thought pattern and learned what she needed to do to feel better about herself and her relationships.

Jane’s progress in treatment assisted her in improving her relationship with her daughter and her family. This also helped her to have the confidence she needed to gain a better paying and more fulfilling job. Jane’s relationship with her family also improved and she doesn’t feel haunted by her past anymore. Now Jane is involved with helping others who have been traumatized and to let them know there is life beyond trauma.

Jane is no longer defined by her past and is now living a healthy and stable life. Your support has had an IMPACT on Jane’s life. THANK YOU!

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November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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