Every Child and Family Deserves An Opportunity To Succeed

UNITED WE FIGHT for the financial stability of every person in our community. Some students have unique obstacles they need to overcome in order to maintain regular school attendance. When children attend school regularly, they have a better chance of graduating high school and being prepared for college or a career. With your support, United Way of Jackson County is able to resource the Education Advocacy and Support program with the Student Advocacy Center. Through our partnership, we are identifying why young students have been removed from their school, addressing the root causes, and working with the school, family and other partners so students can regain and maintain their stability. This also removes an obstacle for working parents who would often have to leave their job to go to the school or to stay home with their child. Jacob is one example of the IMPACT from your support.

It was just Jacob and his dad at home. Jacob had a rough start to life, both of his parents had made some bad choices. Now, his dad was working hard to turn their lives around. His mom continues to make those bad choices and isn’t really a part of Jacob’s world.

At least two to three times a week Jacob’s dad receives a call from the school. Jacob is demonstrating unsafe behavior in his second grade classroom. His dad has to leave work early to go to the school. Depending on what had happened, he could be missing the next day too so he can stay home with his son. Jacob was falling farther behind and his dad was having difficulty with his boss. He called 211 and was referred to this United Way supported program.

Jacob was evaluated by counselors. A neuropsychological evaluation was recommended and completed at U of M. Jacob was diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The school was provided with information specific to Jacob and was shown that many of the behaviors that he was being sent home for were directly related to his condition. A positive behavior support program was developed for Jacob. The Student Advocacy Center worked with Jacob’s school and his father. An individualized plan to support Jacob was developed and implemented.

Today, Jacob’s attendance has become more stable and his father isn’t missing work like he used too.

Every student involved with this program has shown improved attendance and each have decreased the number of disciplinary actions. Families of these students have also been connected with a variety of programs that will increase their self-sufficiency. Because of your support, Jacob and his father and many other Jackson County families are developing their pathway to financial stability and success.

Thank you.

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