United Way of South Central Michigan has been awarded $460,437 in federal funds to support local food and shelter assistance programs. The emergency funding is provided through the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP), administered by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The federal program is directing $187,860 for programs in Eaton and Ingham counties; $106,737 in Kalamazoo County; $70,114 in Jackson County; $64,777 in Calhoun County; and $30,949 in Clinton County. For each area, a local board of residents determines how the funds are distributed. This board is responsible for recommending agencies to receive these funds and any additional funds available under this phase of the program.
UWSCMI invites local governmental and private voluntary organizations that qualify to apply for these funds. Special consideration is given to organizations that serve the elderly, families with children, homeless individuals with mental or physical disabilities, and veterans. The application deadline is March 7 at 5 p.m.
Funding guidelines can be found at unitedforscmi.org/fema-funding-applications. To be considered for funding, all requested information must be provided and proposals must be submitted via email:
- Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Ingham and Kalamazoo counties – Diane Kelly, d.kelly@uwscmi.org.
- Jackson County: Ebone’ Young, e.young@uwscmi.org.