Fighting Elderly Abuse, Neglect, and Homelessness In Our Community

UNITED WE FIGHT for the safety and stability of the vulnerable in Jackson County.

Your support provides quality assisted living and housing to women over the age of 60 at the Jackson Friendly Home. Many times, placement is recommended by the primary care physician because of a decline in the abilities of the resident to do self-care. In some cases, these women don’t have family support. They are vulnerable to abuse, neglect or homelessness. 49 elderly women currently call the JFH their home. Edith was placed there earlier this year.

Edith moved to the Jackson Friendly home in May after living in an apartment with a family member. Her primary care physician contacted the home after Edith came in for an appointment and indicated that she was experiencing abuse, neglect and misappropriation from the family member. The police department was contacted and she was brought to the home with no personal belongings and in need of immediate housing and supportive services. The JFH provided Edith with a fully furnished room, all of the hygiene items she needed, walker, and new clothing. Additionally, the JFH staff coordinated all of her medical care, mental health needs and physical / occupational therapy services. Edith is now safe and happy to be living in an environment where she can be independent, live the life she chooses and is loved by all.

Every person living at the Jackson Friendly Home receives supportive housing and basic medical care. Their nutritional, emotional, and physical needs are met as well. Your support provides a life of stability for those most in need.

Thank you.

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November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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