Fighting For Stability, United Against Substance Abuse

UNITED WE FIGHT for the financial stability of every person in Jackson County. Widespread substance abuse and addiction is a leading contributor to poverty in our community. We support counseling programs through Catholic Charities of Jackson and Family Service and Children’s Aid that help those who have struggled with addictions. By working through their underlying issues, clients learn to put their obstacles behind them so they can move forward and have an opportunity at success and stability. Last year more than 200 people improved their lives through this program. Phil’s story is just one of many successes.

Phil is 40 and has used substances from heroin to alcohol for over 15 years. He spent some of his life in and out of incarceration. He had strained relationships with his family and children. He came to counseling because he’d had enough. He knew he could have a better life. Through counseling, he learned what emotions he was covering up with his abuse. He began to explore the ways he justified and rationalized his self-medication and the impacts on his family. This program helped Phil develop strategies to replaces his impulses. The group facilitator helped link Phil with continuing services to support his sobriety. Phil continues to work on his issues, but as of right now he has fewer problems relating to his children, and he has steady employment.

Phil continues to work toward the life he always wanted. He finally has joy and the tools for sobriety. Your support has helped Phil develop his pathway to success and stability.


Thank you

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November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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