They say there are two things certain in life, and one of them pops up every year: income taxes. If you’re looking for help in doing your tax returns, USCMI has answers!
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program, or VITA, is a national effort sponsored by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. This free service helps families make the most of their tax returns, getting every benefit they deserve while avoiding the fees businesses charge to prepare taxes.
Through VITA, UWSCMI coordinates certified volunteer preparers throughout the counties of Clinton, Eaton and Ingham, as well as recently adding Kalamazoo County. (We also partner with agencies leading VITA programs in Calhoun and Jackson counties.) These volunteers personally help individuals and families earning less than $60,000 complete their federal and state returns, making sure they get all tax credits and deductions that taxpayers are eligible for. That means more money for local households, and more dollars flowing back to our communities.
Volunteers are still needed for various roles in the program, including tax preparers, intake specialists and community resource volunteers. No experience is needed; volunteers will be trained. To learn more or sign up, visit our volunteer center.
To connect with your local VITA program, dial 2-1-1. You can also visit centralmichigan211.org (Clinton/Eaton/Ingham/Jackson) or gryphon.org/211 (Calhoun/Kalamazoo).
Another helpful tool is MyFreeTaxes, an online resource offered by United Way. If you do your own returns, you can use MyFreeTaxes regardless of your income. There is also a link to arrange for someone to do your return for you if your income is under $58,000. To get started, go to myfreetaxes.com.
And here’s a little more good news: Because the usual filing date falls on a federal holiday weekend, you’ve got until Tuesday, April 18, to submit your returns this year.