If you are looking for assistance with a problem and don’t know where to turn, 2-1-1 is for you.
When residents of Jackson County need help they call 2-1-1. Central Michigan 2-1-1 provides comprehensive information and referral services to everyone. 2-1-1 also increases awareness of the much needed programs and services in our community. Just from June to December last year over 17,000 calls for assistance were made to 2-1-1 by Jackson County residents. Every call was answered and every call had a referral made. Individuals were able to follow through on their own with the referral. Shawn’s story is just one example of the many 2-1-1 successes.
Shawn had previously been homeless for over 6 months, staying in the park or in his car. Finally he was able to find affordable housing and have a place to call home. Shawn called 2-1-1 shortly after moving into his new home. When he called, he explained his situation to our Information & Referral Specialist, sharing that he was in need of help with food and heard there may be help with cleaning supplies. The Specialist was able to find a food pantry located a block from his new home and provided information about a church that helped with cleaning supplies. After listening carefully and asking questions about Shawn’s situation, the Information & Referral Specialist learned he had been sleeping on the floor of his new apartment since he moved because he did not have any furniture for his new home. The Information & Referral Specialist offered resource information for low cost mattresses and help with furniture. Shawn said he did not know that places could help with furniture and when the Specialist gave him the referral information he was so happy and thankful for the service he received to help him begin a new life in his own home!
Recently, a local man left these kind words about 2-1-1.
[youtube id=”HUwTc30wR0Q” align=”left” mode=”normal” autoplay=”yes” parameters=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUwTc30wR0Q”]
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