Physically and Emotionally Healthy Families Tend To Be Financially Stable Families
We believe that if families are physically and mentally healthy they have a better chance at staying or becoming financially stable. We support the Family Counseling program through Family Service & Children’s Aid. 90% of adults and 95% of children who have completed a course of therapy demonstrated an improvement in mental or behavior functioning. During the first half of 2015 this program served 542 clients. Mary was one of those clients.
Mary has been a client for the last six months. Mary sought help because she couldn’t function anymore. A trauma informed assessment helped the therapist identify that she was experiencing severe depression as a result of past trauma. This had an impact on her family and marriage. She was lying in bed all day, not eating and she couldn’t safely care for her two younger children. She was having flashbacks about the horrible trauma she suffered. To avoid feeling the overwhelming feelings of fear and hopelessness she tried sleeping. When she couldn’t care for her kids she knew she needed help. Without the sliding fee supported by United Way of Jackson, she stated she would not have been able to seek counseling. Through trauma informed intervention and counseling she learned about how trauma changed her and what she could do to change back. She was able to experience those feelings safely in the room, and was able to get to a point where the memories became just memories. She became more active and could enjoy and take care of the kids. She sought a job and got one. She reports feeling again. She has hope for the future for herself and her children.
Helping families deal with emotional and relationship problems will improve their quality of life. When you support United Way of Jackson County you help Mary and so many others who are working through similar situations.
Click here if you would like to help Mary and others like her.