Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday, a global movement that celebrates generosity within our communities. Many people use the day as an opportunity to consider how they can give back.
At United Way of South Central Michigan, we know that our communities are incredibly generous and philanthropic. We’ve seen it on Giving Tuesday and every other day of the year, and we could not carry out our mission without engagement from United Way supporters all across our six-county region.
To celebrating Giving Tuesday 2023, we’d like to share the love we’ve been given by turning the spotlight on another group of stakeholders that is absolutely critical to building stronger communities – our nonprofit partners.
These organizations are part of an interconnected nonprofit ecosystem, working to make a difference every single day in large and small ways. They are helping meet the immediate needs they see today, working to secure long-term solutions for a wide range of social issues, and advocating for changes in public policy at every level. They work alongside our United Way and each other in collaborative, innovative ways, and they often do it with small staff sizes and limited budgets.
“Our nonprofit partners offer incredible lifelines of support to many in our community, but often they are struggling too—facing the same challenges many of us are to do more with fewer resources,” said Alyssa Stewart, Executive Impact Officer for UWSCMI.
This Giving Tuesday, join us in celebrating our region’s incredible spirit of generosity and the remarkable impact that your local nonprofits can make with a little support. We encourage you to take some time to learn about an organization or two you may not be familiar with. Consider offering your time as a volunteer, making a donation, or sharing what you’ve learned with family and friends on social media. Even the smallest contribution lifts us all toward building a better community for every person in it.
While not an exhaustive list of the thousands of hardworking and deserving nonprofit organizations in our communities, our list of funded partners is a great place to start learning about the important work happening in everything from housing to homework help, food security to financial education, and everything in between. Find the full list here.
Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram – we’ll be sharing Giving Tuesday opportunities in our stories throughout the day.
“Giving Tuesday is an opportunity to come together to show collective love and support for all of the great organizations in our community,” Stewart said. “United Way is proof of the reality that any amount, when multiplied by many, can make an impact.”