Helping Families Regain Their Stability

UNITED WE WIN by helping families through the most difficult of times until they can regain a life of stability and success.

United Way of Jackson County supports the Felician Children’s Center Emergency Child Care Program. This program reserves six year-round placements for emergency child care situations for urgent circumstances such as immediate medical crises and for working families that may lose income without this option. Parents are able to work through whatever challenges they are facing while their children prosper in excellent child care. Joy is just one of the many parents who have benefited from this United Way supported program.

He gave no reason; he just left. Joy’s husband abandoned her and their four children last year. He was there one day, and the next he was gone. All of a sudden she faced many challenges alone. There were friends and neighbors who would help watch her children at first, but that only lasted a week or so. She was leaving work early to care for her children and losing hours. Bills were snowballing out of control. She was at risk of losing her home and her job. She called 2-1-1 and was referred to the Emergency Child Care Program. They were able to help by providing child care for two of her children while her oldest two attended school. Now Joy is able to maintain her hours at work and is no longer at risk of losing her home. Joy’s son is in the Kindergarten Readiness Program; he is special needs, and he is thriving with the consistent and compassionate care given in the classroom.

United Way fights for the financial stability of every person in our community. We fight for Joy, so she can keep her home and her job. She was able to manage a very challenging time and regained a life of stability for her family. When you support United Way, you give Joy and others like her the hope they need.

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