Someone who cares can make all the difference in a young life. Our partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Jackson County transformed a youngster’s life at an early age—a change that is bearing fruit more than a decade later:
Joey and Chandler met when Chandler was 7 years old. Chandler lives with his mom and sibling but does not have a positive male figure in his life. Joey and Chandler’s relationship grew stronger over the years, they have done things such as sporting events, drivers training, school events and much more. Chandler is now 18 and graduating high school in 2022. Chandler looks at Joey as a true brother, someone he’ll always have in his life to go to in times of uncertainty for guidance, support and wisdom. Chandler is not sure that he could have made it to graduation without Joey. Chandler has been able to get a first job, get a car, a driver’s license and really understand the power of making smart choices early in life.
Chandler is on his way toward a successful life thanks to Joey, BBBS and United Way. Your continued support of our work makes outcomes like this possible.
Image: Pexels