IMPACT! Child Care Network Puts Families FIRST

Any way you slice it, childcare is costly and hard to find. It’s also one of the biggest barriers to consistent employment for ALICE families. With support from United Way, Child Care Network provides scholarships through its FIRST Family program to families in need. Here’s one example of how this support makes a difference:

Sergio and Sara are proud parents to two young children, Sebastian and Sylvia. In the past few years, Sara has experienced health issues. This has caused Sergio to miss work frequently, increasing their debt significantly. Prior to the pandemic, Sebastian was attending a preschool program and really enjoyed going. The pandemic closed the program temporarily. Then Sergio lost his job. Sara’s health issues grew worse, and Sergio had to help with the kids. Because of United Way’s support, Child Care Network provided a scholarship. Sebastian was able to attend preschool so that he could prepare for kindergarten and increase his socialization skills. Sergio landed a new job and can provide for his family.

A quality preschool experience is a huge driver for a child’s success in school, graduation and moving on to a supportive career—crucial to a lifetime of financial stability. We’re proud to partner with Child Care Network and help kids get the best start possible.