People don’t always think of United Way and building our local economy together, but guess what? It happens a lot! And when a local citizen can realize a long-held dream as a result, that’s even better! Here’s how our partnership with Lily Missions Center on financial literacy and management made both things happen:
One of the parents who have attended three financial literacy classes was able to open her small business in town. She expressed that it has always been a dream of hers to own her own business but never thought it would be possible. She expressed being so grateful from what she learned in the Lily courses that she wanted to give back. Therefore, she has been volunteering at the After School Program and is going to help teach the financial literacy courses for the kids.
How’s that for making a difference? When you support United Way, you make an investment in people’s present and future. And your gift stays in our community. Please make a donation today.