IMPACT! From Shelter to Home

Emergency shelter for victims of abuse is crucial to our community. But it’s not a permanent home. We’re proud that our partnership with AWARE Shelter provides both a safe place to escape abuse and, through its Residential Services, long-term solutions for a better life.

An individual survivor had been staying in the emergency shelter for two months. She worked with an advocate to create a service plan. Her plan included permanent separation from her partner. She applied for and was successful in securing housing in an apartment that allowed for housing subsidies. The agency provided her with food and other basic needs items. She was also successfully referred to Legal Services of South Central Michigan to be represented in her divorce case. After moving and settling into her new surroundings, she returned to AWARE to receive counseling services.

One life on a pathway to a brighter future—that’s a story taking place every day in Jackson County because of your support. Thank you!


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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