Housing is a basic need and a crucial right in American society. Yet many people who have been incarcerated in the past struggle to get a home, even after they’ve paid their debt to society. The Jackson Chapter of Nation Outside, partnering with United Way, worked with the City of Jackson last year to promote the Fair Chance Housing Ordinance approved in March 2021. The ordinance bars landlords from immediately disqualifying a potential tenant for rental housing based solely on their criminal or arrest record. Nation Outside describes this important work—and the value of getting people involved:
Nation Outside’s Fair Chance Housing initiative provided a pathway for people with criminal records to secure housing. It also showed many Nation Outside members a vehicle to organize and pass local legislation. One member reported that she never knew the process of how to engage the City Council on a particular issue until she got involved in this initiative.
Nation Outside is an amazing United Way partner striving to connect re-entering citizens with the supports they need to rebuild their lives. Your support makes that possible.