Dealing with mental health issues is a tough road to travel. Thankfully, Jackson County residents struggling with tough times can turn to Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee and Hillsdale Counties, a partner we’re proud to support thanks to your contributions. Here’s an example of a life being changed through that partnership:
A female client reported that she was dealing with delusional thoughts. She hit a tree, totaling her car, after which she went to the hospital for a psychiatric stay. Due to this incident, her estranged spouse has full custody of their six children. She sought treatment to obtain stability so that she can start seeing her children as soon as possible. With the support and education of her counselor, she opted for weekly injections to manage her bipolar disorder; completed a Crisis Plan for management of her mental health; and has started including her parents in her life. She comes to treatment as scheduled, and she has obtained and maintained employment. She now has the support of her parents and is being proactive in her mental health care.
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Image: Pexels/Mart Production