The great team at Partial To Girls, a United Way partner, recently shared this unique perspective on what we mean when we say “partnership”:
“In April 2021, Partial to Girls was able to help a 19-year-old pregnant woman who had a 3-year-old son from sleeping in her car for almost three weeks straight. She also hadn’t had any prenatal care in over three months and was seven months into this pregnancy. We were able to help this family by getting her settled into a hotel for a short time, and assisting her and her son with food and basic necessities that they both needed so badly. Through other community partners, we were able to get this young woman case management, even got her healthcare and a longer hotel stay.
“This story sticks out to me because without my partnership with UW I wouldn’t be able to be the one to help with these types of situations initially. Yes, I always have to call on other community partners to help with these bigger problems like this. However, the end result is always these families are getting off the street and getting the help they need when they call on us to help. When you call Partial to Girls, you are calling United Way and many other organizations in Jackson.”
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