Trauma can have terrible effects on families. Jackson County residents struggling with tough times are getting the help they need through Family Service & Children’s Aid‘s clinical counseling voucher program—a partnership we’re proud to help fund:
With funding by United Way, FSCA ensures that families that have experienced traumatic events can get affordable mental health treatment. This funding allowed FSCA to provide a pathway to healing for a young adult whose family and community were impacted by a tragedy. This family experienced financial hardship due to medical bills associated with the tragedy and couldn’t afford therapy. The parents and young adult needed services to help process grief and other mental health concerns. Without this program, this family couldn’t access support and heal. The young adult has successfully completed treatment–a great example of how important quick and affordable access to trauma is. The family is healing and creating a better future for themselves.
Generous people in our community are making a powerful, lasting difference for others who struggle. Thank you for supporting the work of United Way! We appreciate your continued support as we invest in the lives of people in Jackson County.