Imagine a child from a homeless family facing a challenge as seemingly simple as getting to school. It’s not far-fetched; it’s happened right here in Jackson County. Fortunately, our support for the Student Advocacy Center’s Bridges To School program made a difference—not just for the student, but for the whole family:
A 4th-grade student was referred to Bridges To School (B2S) due to attendance concerns. While working with the family, B2S learned that the family was homeless and struggled with transport to get the student to and from school. The family worked with B2S to connect to McKinney Vento services for transportation assistance and housing support. The family now has secured housing, and the student has transferred to a new school district where attendance, grades and school resources all improved.
Attending to people’s present and future—that’s the power of United Way partnerships throughout Jackson County! Thank you for making this kind of impact possible. Your support makes a difference.