Impact Week: Ensuring a Safety Net

Just one unexpected event can send a family spiraling out of control.

For people in crisis—a job loss, a sudden illness, a broken car, an unexpected home repair—having support systems in place can help them get back on their feet. United Way BCKR works to ensure that our regional community has a safety net in place to help people access basic necessities in times of need.

Amanda’s Story

Amanda Petry is grateful to be able to provide her infant son with everything he needs.

An EMT with Life Care Ambulance Services in Battle Creek, Amanda and her husband have a home, plenty of food, new clothing and lots of toys for 1-year-old Micah.

Her own childhood was not so abundant. When she was growing up, Amanda’s family went through a period of hardship and struggled to afford all that they needed. Buying new clothing was not always an option.

During those tough couple of years, her family relied on Charitable Union, a longtime United Way partner, to get them through. Amanda remembers that the only reason she had a coat that fit each year was because of Charitable Union’s coat distributions.

The organization continues to distribute coats each year. Last November during a three-day distribution event, they gave away more than 1,300 children’s coats to Battle Creek families in need of winter gear.

Amanda no longer needs that support. Now, she’s able to help others, and donates to Charitable Union every chance she gets. She donates her old coats each year, and when Micah outgrows his, she’ll donate that too.

“It’s how the circle is completed,” Amanda said. “I received then. Now I give because I can.”

#ChangeTheStory in Basic Needs

United Way set three priorities for its Basic Needs focus area: food, shelter, and other basic necessities, such as removing barriers that make it especially tough for the homeless to get back on their feet. Currently, United Way funds 25 programs, investing more than $1.9 million annually. [See all of United Way BCKR’s investments, partnerships and collaborations here.]

Here are some examples of how United Way investments are making sure the safety net holds for those that need it:

  • 2,947,519 pounds of food were distributed to more than 70,000 food-insecure families.
  • 9,933 people received transportation assistance so they could get to work and keep medical and other appointments.
  • 434 people received identification documents so they could access important services and get employed.
  • 115 families received high quality drop-in child care services.

A crisis can affect any of us. United Way and our partners in Basic Needs make sure those who are most affected can get back on their feet.

Check out our Basic Needs video to learn more about our work in this area.

We’re celebrating Impact Week! Discover how your United Way is tackling the toughest challenges in our regional community. Here are links to other Impact Week information:

Our Impact – a comprehensive data report on United Way investments and results.
Impact Week preview – an overview of what’s ahead for Impact Week.
Fighting for Financial Stability – tackling poverty and near-poverty effectively.