Impact Week: From Belief to Impact

Editor’s note: Wrapping up our Impact Week focus is Stephanie Slingerland, Chair of the United Way BCKR Board of Directors and Director of Philanthropy and Social Impact at Kellogg Company.

Not long ago, a customer asked about Kellogg’s charitable activities. We were delighted to answer him—Kellogg does a lot all over the world, especially in tackling food insecurity—and part of our answer was this: “Giving back has been a strong belief of the Kellogg Company for over a century.”

As I reflected on this statement, I wondered: What prompts a person or a business to give back?

Partly, it’s our roots; if we’re raised to be generous, chances are we’ll be charitable throughout our lives. That’s true for companies, too. W.K. Kellogg once said, “Doing right is never wrong,” and he instilled that mindset in the company he founded.

Something else that drives the desire to give back is our human capacity for empathy. While it varies from person to person, I believe we all have it. Empathy is our ability to share the feelings of others—to put ourselves in another person’s shoes.

When we empathize with others, we want to give back. Whether to relieve an immediate need or help people build a foundation for lifelong success, we want to help. We want to make a difference.

That’s why I’m so proud to be part of a company that gives back and serve with a nonprofit organization that makes giving back possible in countless ways. United Way is unique in its ability to gather the pieces and players that can solve our communities biggest social needs. The stories you heard during Impact Week show you those results in real, meaningful ways.

“Doing right is never wrong.” Engaging with United Way—as a donor, as a volunteer, as an advocate for those in need—is always right. I invite you to be part of creating greater impact that transforms lives.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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