We live in a tough and dangerous world. Sometimes that puts families at risk. Fortunately, United Way invests in and partners with experts who help those families find a pathway to a safer, more secure future. Legal Services of South Central Michigan provides this powerful example:
LSSCM represented a Jackson County mother of two children forced to flee an abusive relationship that nearly cost the mother her life. An LSSCM attorney met with the mom, advised her about divorce and child custody, and discussed safety planning and housing options. LSSCM represented the client in court and filed a divorce case. In the end, the mother won sole custody of her children as well as child support, spousal support, and the family home.
A safe, secure future lies at the heart of United Way’s work to end poverty and champion financial stability. Through our investment in Legal Services of South Central Michigan, low-income clients in Jackson County can receive free, civil legal assistance, with emphasis on homelessness prevention, domestic violence prevention, and access to health care, food and needs-based income programs. It’s a partnership that makes an incredible difference for Jackson County families.