Jackson Calling! And 2-1-1 Is Answering

2-1-1, the telephone line that connects people in need with resources to help, is proving its value once again in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Melissa Ladd Patnode, Central Michigan 2-1-1 Program Supervisor, said the call center at Lifeways in Jackson has received 1,268 pandemic-related calls from the nine-county coverage area as of April 17. Some 168 of those calls came from Jackson County. Food access is the biggest concern, followed by rental assistance.

Beyond helping people with their material needs, 2-1-1 staff are helping callers deal with the related stress, she added.

“Callers are worried, have a fear of the unknown, and are feeling a bit restless and anxious to get out and about,” Ladd Patnode said.

“The interaction with the staff has been helpful. Callers have been able to express how they feel openly, have someone respond in an non-judgmental way, and let them know they are being heard.”

Ladd Patnode applauded the community volunteers and organizations that have stepped up to help those in need. She singled out the Jackson COVID-19 Action Network and the leadership of Zoe Lyons of the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services; United Way of Jackson County, which is identifying gaps and funding efforts to fill them; and Partial To Girls, which is addressing basic needs of families with young children.

“We’d like to say a big thank-you to the agencies that are working hard and adapting to these challenging times,” she said.

Ladd Patnode encouraged people who have immediate needs to call 2-1-1. “Central Michigan 2-1-1 is here for you, and we want to help you,” she said. “We are in this together.”


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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