The Jackson Friendly Home (JFH) is dedicated to providing quality healthcare to women over the age of 60, in a home-like atmosphere, which encourages independence. The Home has a rich history dating back to 1878 when the “Home of the Friendless” first opened its doors to orphans and widows of the Civil War. Our current building was designed by Clare Allen, and was erected in 1908. On August 12th of that year the ladies moved from the original home on Oak Hill Drive to our current address at 435 W. North Street, Jackson, Michigan. Thankfully, the name of the facility was eventually changed to “The Jackson Friendly Home.” The residents come to the Friendly Home for a variety of reasons. Often placement is recommended by the primary care physician because of a decline in the abilities of the resident to do self-care. Many times placement at JFH is done by a family that has taken care of their loved one for some time and then finds need of a respite from that obligation due to declining health or stress. Because of the outstanding, quality care provided for the resident’s, most families report that they have greater peace of mind knowing their loved one is safe, happy and well cared for at the Jackson Friendly Home. The JFH has been in operation for 135 years and we expect to continue our programs well into the future. There are no other Assisted Livings in the area that accept indigent and poor women. If we were not here many of the women would be homeless. We currently serve several women who had no place to call home. They now are fed, clothed, protected and well cared for at JFH. Here’s just one example of what JFH is all about. Lillian L. moved to the Jackson Friendly Home in September of last year from an Adult Foster Care home that closed. She had lived at the care home for 21 years. Lillian was rather nervous about moving to JFH. She didn’t know anyone and was scared to meet new care givers and residents. Lillian has a history of Seizure Disorder, Chronic Psychological Problems and is Developmentally Delayed. She is fortunate to have services of a caring case worker at Hope Network, who worked hard during the transition to a new home. A month after moving in she had a meeting with the case worker, her case manager and staff of JFH. At this meeting the Hope Network workers kept telling the JFH staff what a difference this move had made in Lillian behavior and overall wellness. Lillian was very proud of her transition. At the end of October we packed up some of the ladies and went to the John George Home for a Halloween Party. Lillian went too. We danced, ate Halloween goodies and had a wonderful time. After the party we returned Home…happy but tired. Lillian came into the Executive Director’s office and stated, “I had so much fun today! This was the best day of my life. I even cut a rug (danced). I will never forget it.” I believe it probably was the best day she had had in a very long time. (Stories from her passed are terrible.) Lillian has blossomed at JFH. We have made a difference in her life!
Currently the Board of Directors and Administrator of the Home are working to raise awareness of the financial need of this Jackson landmark. Donations of a monetary nature are always welcome. The Home is also in need of items such as laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener, twin sheet sets and towels. Office supplies are always welcome…stamps, envelopes and reams of paper. Any gift will be greatly appreciated and put to good use. The Friendly Home is a 501©3Charitable organization and donation receipts are available for income tax purposes. The Home is a proud partner agency of the Jackson United Way.