JACKSON – Federal funds have made it possible for eight Jackson-area nonprofits to join JobSTAR, the business resource network led by UWSCMI.
Launched in 2018, JobSTAR (Support, Talent And Retention) embeds Success Coaches Scott Walker and Kristy Warner at participating organizations, connecting employees to services and support programs so they can get beyond barriers to work.
“Even a simple life event, like a sick child, or a broken car, or a personal struggle, can cause a devoted and hard-working employee to miss work,” said Ebone’ Young, Senior Community Impact Associate based in Jackson. “JobSTAR helps employees deal with those issues. That leads to less absenteeism, better productivity and a supportive workplace culture.”
Bringing the JobSTAR total to 19 participating organizations are eight new nonprofit members: AWARE Inc.; Family Service and Children’s Aid; Highfields Inc.; Jackson Friendly Home; John George Home; Jackson YMCA; MyPlace; and WellWise Services Area Agency on Aging.
Young said that a federal grant allows these new members to participate in JobSTAR for a year at no cost. “Otherwise some might not have had the resources to take part in JobSTAR,” she said.
During its 2022-23 fiscal year, JobSTAR made 961 referrals for 501 employees at 11 participating companies.
Learn more about this program on JobSTAR’s webpage, or contact Ebone’ Young at e.young@uwscmi.org.