Kids Succeed & Struggling Families Win!

We believe all children should have equal access to quality day care and early learning opportunities.

By supporting United Way of Jackson County, you make quality care affordable for struggling families. UWJC funds the FIRST Family Support Program through the Child Care Network. This program provides child care tuition to low-income qualifying families. Parents can afford day care that provides their young children with development and growth opportunities. In turn, parents are able to redirect their limited resources so they can live independently and continue on their pathway to financial stability and success. Lauren’s story is one example of the impact you have made possible through your United Way of Jackson County support. The following was taken from a letter Lauren submitted when she re-applied for the program.

As I was receiving help with my daycare bill, I was able to save some money and move in to a beautiful 2-bedroom apartment. My son was very excited to finally have his own room! I was able to improve my credit score by paying off any balances I had in collections. This allowed me to secure an auto loan through my credit union and purchase a much safer and reliable vehicle. I was also able to take the Certified Nurse Aide course at the Jackson Area Career Center in April. I passed the class with flying colors and I am currently waiting to be scheduled for the state test to complete my certification. I am very proud that I was able to accomplish everything I have this year but more importantly, I was able to do it all without having to worry about the safety of my son or the quality of his care. This scholarship allowed me to afford an amazing daycare provider. My son is always excited to get to daycare every morning so he can see his friends and eat breakfast with them. He is always such a happy boy and he has learned so much just from being in such an educational environment.

Without this program, my son would not be attending such a great daycare, we would not be living in a decent residence or have dependable transportation. Some months are tighter than others, but with a strict budget we are able to make do. I am grateful for the help I have received and hope to one day be in a position that allows me to be completely self-sufficient.

Your support has made it possible for Lauren to be on her own pathway to financial stability and success.

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November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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