JACKSON – The Program Assistance Center (PAC), run by United Way of South Central Michigan, administers Michigan Energy Assistance Program funding, providing households with direct energy assistance to pay heat and electric bills. PAC, which serves households statewide, also helps complete a needs assessment for each client, so they are connected with any additional non-energy assistance services they may need.
In the year 2022 alone, PAC helped 5,732 households access energy security/self-sufficiency programming or referrals. It also served 4,970 households using state funding and funding from Consumers Energy.
Here are some examples of how PAC made a difference in the year 2023:
- A family of seven came to the Program Assistance Center (PAC). The father of the family has cancer, while his children have special needs. Due to the special needs of the children and the father’s health needs (including being on oxygen 24/7), they are struggling to make ends meet. Our team utilized MEAP funds and Consumers Energy gift funds to take care of their utility shut-off balance. The family was moved and grateful, expressing much appreciation for this incredible outcome.
- A 59-year-old mother with an 8-year-old son needed to be reconnected to service. Our staff was able to help her resolve a fraud investigation and provided more than $5,000 in assistance via both MEAP and Consumers Energy gift funding. When our staff called with the good news, her son asked if she was lying, or if there really would be a light on at home that night. When told there would be light, tears were shed, as it would be the first time in almost two months that the lights would be on when they arrived home.
- A woman had been living in a home that was energy inefficient due to faulty electrical components. She had no ability to find suitable living arrangements, as she was out of work due to medical conditions. After becoming unhoused, she spent months looking for a new home and working on her health. Finally, she was able to find a new place to call home that was more affordable, with lower energy use and utility bills. When she moved in and connected power, her old bill was applied to the new account, and service was eventually disconnected. Her power was turned off, she was scared, and again facing being unhoused. That is when she called the Program Assistance Center. PAC offered reconnection assistance and paid her past due balance, allowing her to get back on track and keep up with the normal monthly bills. She now feels more secure that she will be able to afford her energy bills once again without the weight of her past bill on her shoulders.
- By participating in PAC’s long-term case management, one woman has gained a better understanding of her finances and the steps she needs to take to improve her financial situation. Her emotional well-being has improved. The program has helped her gain the financial confidence and tools she needed. She is now looking into acquiring a professional certification to further her career and send her down a path to financial success.
- One program participant completed different budgeting worksheets and programs through Banzai, a financial literacy resource. She also landed an incredible job, which helped her bring in more income and make it easier to budget without going into the negative. She has experienced relief, both financially and emotionally, since being enrolled in the program. It has granted her a chance to catch up on other bills so she could be in a good position to get her kids ready for back-to-school time. With the assistance from the program, she now feels more comfortable supporting her family.
- Another program participant had a lot of success paying her bills on time each month, while gaining knowledge of resources and programs offered in her area. This knowledge has allowed her to help others in her community. She has changed her financial situation by gaining full-time employment and completing her long-term goal of repairing her vehicle. The program has also assisted her in making strides toward completing her goal of getting her roof repaired.
If you or someone you know needs utility assistance, please apply online at www.UWEnergyHelp.org or call us at 517-741-0202.