Increasing Healthy Behaviors for Children and Adults.
United Way of Jackson County funds counseling that addresses all types of circumstances including parent-child alienation, child behavior problems, child abuse and neglect, grief to loss, marriage conflicts, substance abuse, depression and work/life issues. Because of this support, Family Services & Children’s Aid can provide a Family Counseling program on a sliding scale to the uninsured and underinsured. Within six months this program served 685 clients with 90% demonstrating improvement in mental and behavioral functioning. Positive outcomes mean families stay together, adults continue to work and children remain in school. Here is just one example of how Family Counseling through Family Service & Children’s Aid is making a difference in Jackson County.
Two years ago John was desperately seeking treatment. At the time, he entered treatment he was homeless. Three years previous, this client was in a severe car accident and was unable to work. His wife divorced him. He lost his home of over twenty years. He went to a different organization and was refused services, because he did not meet their criteria. Through this United Way funded program he was able to see a skilled therapist with an excellent background in trauma-focused treatment. Through counseling, John was able to identify resources to stabilize his life and begin to unravel the severe and chronic mental illness that destroyed his marriage and restricted him from working in most normal settings. At times he walked over ten miles to come to counseling. Even though he still does not have a permanent home, he is able to make and execute plans for housing. He is working more, and feels he has made some changes to manage his mental illness. Without United Way funding to support the uninsured, he would not have gotten services he needed and instead would have continued risking his life and safety.
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