UWSCMI provided nine $2,000 Seeding Leaders mini-grants in Battle Creek and Kalamazoo, intended to support the wellness, leadership, and/or professional development of nonprofit leaders, with a focus on leaders who identify as (or in the intersections of) being:
- Black, Indigenous and/or People of Color
- An individual with a disability
- An immigrant
Applications are now closed.
To be eligible to apply, an individual must have had a documented affiliation with an organization:
- With 501(c)3 status as determined by the IRS, that is a federally recognized American Indian tribal government or agency, or that has a fiscal sponsor 501(c)3.
- With an annual budget of less than $250,000.
- That serves individuals in Kalamazoo County and/or Battle Creek.
These grants could be used flexibly to support the resilience, wholeness and success of the leader, including, but not limited to:
- Conferences
- Executive coaching
- Leadership/nonprofit management credential
- College courses
- To enable rest via compensation for time off for leader(s) who might otherwise go unpaid
- Healthcare costs for leaders who do not have access to insurance through their organization
- To reimburse personal resources utilized for professional/leadership development in the past 2 years
If you have any questions, please reach out to a.macklin@uwscmi.org. We encourage you to share with any in our community who you feel may meet the above criteria.