JACKSON – An essential part of being financially stable involves learning to manage a budget. That’s a skill that isn’t always understood. Our partnership with Lily Missions Center does two things: it provides an after-school program for kids, and it offers money management skills for parents.
“Monica” is a single mother of five living in Jackson County. She took part in Lily’s financial literacy course while two of her children were engaged with the after-school program. Monica was overwhelmed with debt and struggled to make ends meet. She co-signed loans for cars for two of her adult children who were not fulfilling their payment obligations, and she was behind in paying her own car loan. By the time she finished the Lily program, she was able to use the technique of “snowballing”—paying off smaller debts first—to pay off her car note and a student loan that was in default. Monica’s car is essential to her family’s survival, so paying it off was a great stress relief for her. Now, Monica is encouraging her adult children and others to sign up for the class to acquire financial wisdom.
This partnership not only helped one household get a handle on debt, it also equipped others to do so as well. That’s the power of financial literacy—and the power of supporting United Way.
Learn more about Lily’s programs at lilymissionscenter.org. You can help make a difference with your gift today through our donation page online.