The Society takes its name from Alexis de Tocqueville, a French philosopher who recognized, celebrated and immortalized the spirit of volunteerism and philanthropy that typifies America.

The Alexis de Tocqueville Society was created by United Way Worldwide in 1984 to deepen the understanding, commitment, and support of United Way’s most generous, passionate, and community-minded individuals.

Tocqueville Society members are extraordinary, dedicated leaders who care deeply about improving people’s lives and creating long-lasting positive change in their community.

Membership in the Tocqueville Society is granted to individuals and families who contribute $10,000 or more annually to United Way.

Tocqueville Society member benefits include:

  • Being part of a national network of philanthropic leaders who are engaged locally to make a significant difference in their communities.
  • Partnering with a respected organization and dedicated staff; ensuring that your support is invested locally, both efficiently and effectively to create lasting change.
  • Utilizing United Way’s unique position as one of the world’s largest philanthropic organizations with the ability to convene local businesses and community leaders to address needs in our region.
  • Recognition in United Way of South Central Michigan Book of Leaders.
  • Special volunteer opportunities with our non-profit partners.
  • Exclusive communication from the President and Executive Officer to keep you connected to your community and informed about the impact of your gift.
  • Invitations to attend local Tocqueville and United Way special events, as well as exclusive national and worldwide events for Tocqueville Society leaders along with National Society and Million Dollar Roundtable members.

Tocqueville Society Levels of Giving

  • $100,000 - $249,999 – National Society
  • $250,000 - $499,999  – Order of Independence
  • $500,000 - $749,999 – Order of Knowledge
  • $750,000 - $999,999 – Order of Prosperity
  • $1 million and up – Million Dollar Round Table

For more information on the Tocqueville Society and ways to become a member, please contact:  Spencer Haworth at or 269-343-2524 x131.


The United Way of South Central Michigan Leadership Circle was created to recognize individuals who contribute an annual gift ranging from $1,000 to $9,999.

Members of the Leadership Circle are individuals who believe strongly in the work of United Way and care deeply about their community.  Through their investment, Leadership Circle members are changing lives and helping to ensure that children receive a quality education, that individuals and families are financially stable, and that people are able to lead healthier lives.

Leadership Circle member benefits include:

  • Recognition in United Way of South Central Michigan Book of Leaders.
  • Special volunteer opportunities with our non-profit partners.
  • Exclusive invitations to special events for Leadership Circle members.
  • Year-round communication to keep you connected to your community and informed about the impact of your gift.

Leadership Circle Levels of Giving:

  • $1,000 - $2,499 – Bronze
  • $2,500 - $4,999 – Silver
  • $5,000 - $7,499 – Gold
  • $7,499 - $9,999 – Platinum

For more information about the Leadership Circle and becoming a member, please contact:  Spencer Haworth at or 269-343-2524 x131.