Note: During the month of February, United Way is mobilizing to raise dollars for initiatives and programs that address homelessness and housing insecurity. By making a gift today, you can make a difference—right in the community where you live.
JACKSON—Like many young people aging out of foster care, Julia* stepped into a world of risks. Statistically, half of kids like her wind up without stable housing. Yet a local United Way partner not only helped Julia avoid that outcome, it also equipped her with skills to help her thrive.
MyPlace provides a rental living space in Jackson for youth between ages 16 and 21 as they age out of foster care or can be placed in Independent Living. Residents pick up critical life skills that they may not have learned before—learning to drive, managing a budget, earning a GED or living a healthy lifestyle. MyPlace is a funded partner of United Way of South Central Michigan (UWSCMI).
Operating at MyPlace is MyBakery, a nonprofit, trauma-informed, youth-centered business offering employment skills, business education and baking trade training for MyPlace residents and other youths at risk for exploitation.
Julia found navigating MyBakery’s kitchen a tough task. She wasn’t familiar with its tools and appliances, or how to use them. Over time, Julia learned cooking skills while forming relationships with staff and residents. Today, Julia is an employee at MyBakery, adept at many of its functions and interacting easily with customers.
“Hands-on experiences like that, while making sure MyPlace residents have a safe place to live and grow, gives young people the abilities they need to forge a stable future,” said Ebone’ Young, UWSCMI Associate Director of Community Impact.
Young underscored the relationship aspect of MyPlace, which helps residents feel empowered and cared for. The same holds true for another UWSCMI partner: AWARE Inc., providing survivors of domestic and sexual violence with safe shelter and support.
“Domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness, with survivors up to four times more likely to experience housing instability,” said Young. “AWARE fills a critical need in our community.”
UWSCMI also helps invest federal dollars locally each year through the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program (EFSP), administered by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In 2024, UWSCMI distributed $70,387 to 10 programs in Jackson County focused on housing, food and utility aid.
“United Way is proud to take an active role in addressing housing needs, partnering with local agencies leading the work, and being part of the dialogue with others to make sure every person has safe and stable housing,” said Young.
* Name changed for confidentiality
United Way of South Central Michigan is investing, convening, advocating and collaborating on solutions so families can reach the goal of an affordable, safe, stable home and homeownership. By making a gift today, you can make a difference—right in the community where you live.