UNITED IS THE WAY HOME: Power of Partnership in Calhoun County

Senior african woman looking on camera - Elderly person in the city with colorful background

Note: During the month of February, United Way is mobilizing to raise dollars for initiatives and programs that address homelessness and housing insecurity. By making a gift today, you can make a difference—right in the community where you live.

BATTLE CREEK—Last year proved pivotal for United Way of South Central Michigan (UWSCMI) as it embraced the lead role of the Calhoun County Continuum of Care (CoC).

“It’s an honor every day to work alongside so many dedicated people who care deeply about individuals and families at risk of being unhoused,” said Patrese Griffin, who serves as Director for the Calhoun County CoC. She is also in the same leadership role for the CoC in Kalamazoo County.

The Calhoun County CoC manages grant programs from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to address homelessness while working with local organizations helping people find safe, stable, affordable housing. The CoC moved under United Way’s umbrella last March.

Partners on the CoC board include the Battle Creek Housing Commission, S.A.F.E. Place, Haven of Rest Ministries, Legal Services of South Central Michigan, PATH Services/MichiganWorks! Southwest, City of Battle Creek Community Development, Community That Cares, Eaton RESA, SHARE Center, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and Neighborhoods Inc. of Battle Creek.

Griffin said the CoC focuses on key elements of housing in Calhoun County:

  • Partnering with local agencies to increase coordination and find solutions to the gaps, inequities and challenges they experience when working to reduce homelessness.
  • Measuring and analyzing data to ensure accountability throughout the system of services for those experiencing homelessness.
  • Writing, maintaining and monitoring the community-developed, countywide 10-year Plan to End Homelessness.
  • Administering state and federal funds that require the use of a CoC structure.

Beyond its work through the CoC, UWSCMI funds six Battle Creek area programs in eviction diversion, rapid rehousing, day and night shelters, housing navigation, shelter for domestic violence survivors, and housing rehabilitation. UWSCMI also helps invest federal dollars each year through the Emergency Food and Shelter National Board Program, administered by the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency. In 2024, UWSCMI distributed $62,429 to 10 programs in Calhoun County focused on housing, food and utility aid.

“Dedication and partnership are what marks the Calhoun County community as one that truly cares,” said Griffin. “UWSCMI and the CoC will continue doing everything we can to keep on reflecting that compassion and can-do attitude.”

United Way of South Central Michigan is investing, convening, advocating and collaborating on solutions so families can reach the goal of an affordable, safe, stable home and homeownership. By making a gift today, you can make a difference—right in the community where you live.