UW Honored for Supporting Survivors of Sexual Assault

United Way’s support and advocacy for the survivors of sexual violence earned us special recognition.

Bronson Healthcare’s Sexual Assault Services (SAS), based in Battle Creek, awarded our United Way the distinguished Betty Christ Memorial Award. The award honors outstanding community advocacy on behalf of sexual assault survivors.

United Way “has gone above and beyond in helping us fund our program for over 20 years; and for assisting us in funding our most underfunded program, the Prevention Program; and for continued support of our Children’s Advocacy Center,” SAS said in a statement.

“We are thankful for the collaboration we have with you and honored to recognize your outstanding community advocacy. We are grateful for your role in going above and beyond in helping foster safety, hope and healing in the lives of survivors. With your commitment to our work, we are changing the story in the lives of survivors.”

United Way BCKR President and CEO Chris Sargent accepted the award at SAS’s 23rd anniversary banquet on April 17. The award is named for the late Betty Christ, a powerful community champion for sexual assault survivors.

Chris also spoke the next morning at the Kalamazoo YWCA’s second-annual Men’s Breakfast, which seeks to engage men in helping prevent sexual assault and to support survivors. Chris urged attendees to make a personal commitment to ending sexual violence by engaging in the conversation, supporting programs and listening to survivors. The breakfast, which hosted 120 people, included a panel of survivors and case workers.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Among United Way’s investments in this area are SAS’s sexual assault prevention and child advocacy center programs, YWCA Kalamazoo’s Sexual Assault Supportive Services and nurse examiner program, and domestic violence shelters through YWCA and S.A.F.E. Place.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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