In 1994, Congress passed the King Holiday and Service Act, designating the Martin Luther King Jr. Federal Holiday as a national day of service. Taking place each year on the third Monday in January, the MLK Day of Service is the only federal holiday observed as such.
The MLK Day of Service calls for Americans from all walks of life to work together to provide solutions to our most pressing national problems. The MLK Day of Service empowers individuals, strengthens communities, bridges barriers, creates solutions to social problems, and moves us closer to Dr. King’s vision of a “Beloved Community.”
On a local level, sites all over the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo region are hosting opportunities for volunteers to embrace the day as one of service. Additional celebrations, educational opportunities and virtual gatherings are planned in honor of Dr. King. We encourage you to get involved – volunteer your time, watch a webinar, attend a celebration, or just spend some time reflecting.
Here are just a few of the opportunities you’ll find locally:
- Jan. 16, 4 p.m. at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 120 Roberson St., Kalamazoo. Annual Northside Ministerial Alliance Dr. MLK Jr. Community Celebration. Theme: “Eradicating the Impact of Racism: It Takes a Life, Not Just a Day.” Keynote Address: Beth Washington, Vice President, Community Health, Equity & Inclusion. www.nmakzoo.org/announcements.html
- Jan. 17: 2022 MLK Day of Service, hosted by the City of Kalamazoo and the Volunteer Center of Greater Battle Creek and Kalamazoo. Sign up to volunteer: https://go.gryphon.org/aem/general/event/?doc_id=6194
- Jan. 17, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.: MLK Day Teach-in, WMU. Four sessions on the theme, “The time is always right to do what is right,” will be held in the South Ballroom, WMU Bernhard Center. It is free to attend or watch live here. The event is co-sponsored by TRHT (Truth, Racial, Healing, and Transformation) and WMU’s Governmental Affairs.
- Jan. 14-18: Additional Western Michigan University events: https://wmich.edu/mlk/events
- Jan. 18, 5 p.m.: TRHT (Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation) Kalamazoo’s National Day of Racial Healing 2022 Celebration. A live stream will feature multiple community voices and local youth artists speaking and performing from the State Theatre stage. https://www.facebook.com/events/441241000774009/?ref=newsfeed
- Jan. 17, 9 a.m.: 55 Shades of Black MLK Celebration, hosted at Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek by the African American Collaborative, Southwestern Michigan Urban League. http://www.swmul.org/mlk-2022/
- Jan. 17: Commemorative walk and wreath-laying ceremony. The walk begins at 4:25 at the Kalamazoo Metro Transportation Center, and concludes with a ceremony at 4:40 p.m. at Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial Park, 507 N. Rose Street.