Year in Review:
Pop Up Volunteering

In 2019, 21,101 individuals were impacted by Pop Up Volunteering events. Pop Up Volunteering (PUV) enables groups to complete projects wherever they may be – offices, corporate gatherings, churches or other locations.

“Pop Up Volunteering allows us to help fill the immediate need within the community,” said Claire Michael, Engagement and Resource Development Associate at United Way BCKR and in-house PUV expert.

In fact, UWBCKR recently was able to step up when a request for personal care and hygiene items came in from Calhoun Community High School. We were able to provide kits for students in need, made by some of our corporate partners over the past year.

Jamie Rugg (UWBCKR) and Naiomi Curtis (CCHS) with personal care and hygiene items for students in need.

In 2019, corporate partners, volunteers, and other organizations have participated in a total of 50 PUV events.

“It can be hard for organizations to get time out of the office to volunteer. With PUV, we are able to bring the volunteering to the organization and still help fill needs for our nonprofit partners,” Michael said.

The convenience and ease of PUV has allowed 19 different workplace groups to volunteer, and the results of their work have been distributed to 31 different nonprofits in our region. We provide 15 different kit options which include handmade fleece blankets, period packs, meal kits, school supplies kits, healthy baby kits, and winter warmth kits.

To learn more about how your group can host your own Pop Up Volunteer event in 2020, head on over to our volunteer page! Stay tuned through social media to see the impact PUV has in 2020!

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